Sunday, June 7, 2009

Breathing Through the Onset of Contrary Behaviour

This is my weekend on. Which simply means that I am solely responsible for the folks (unless something catastrophic happens, of course. In which case, Star is only a phone call away.). We both get one weekend away from home each month. It kinda works like this: we have a rotating schedule based on the hope and assumption that life remains constant and normal. We each have one night per week that we are off that does not change. Wow - what a difference that made in our relaxation and individual peace of mind. We have one other night per week that rotates and a mutual night out - because being together as friends is also important. Additionally, we try to remain flexible in our lives for various activities like doctor appointments for ourselves, etc.

The other hours are shared time with the folks. We try to schedule time together with the folks to do whatever we can think of to bring

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