Saturday, July 11, 2009

further bullet points because we need to get them listed somewhere.

Sigh. There is more to list. We have to track behaviour, changes inpersonality and so on. These aren't in any order particularly. I will note dates where I can.
  • 07.11.09 Went into the folks' bedroom to lay out clothes for Mom. When I picked up her bra to put it on the bed for her, I saw that she had fecal matter on it. Since she puts in on by stepping into it, I am sure she rubbed against her backside as she put it on - or took it off.
  • 07.11.09 I went to the store at 9:30 this morning. Dad was asleep as I was leaving and I woke him to tell him. I returned at 10:45. When I looked in on him, he was asleep. He had been awake because the paper was everywhere. I sat down with the folks at 11:20 and Dad was asleep. He has been asleep to this minute - 11:44.
  • 07.11.09 The living room smells funny - I can't tell if it is Mom or cat problems.
  • 07.11.09 Mom is still fussing and picking at herself. The dentist told Star we have to keep Mom's hands away from her temporary tooth or the permanent crown won't fit. We have to tell her to remove her hands from her mouth every few minutes. I have told her twice in the time it took to write this bullet point and the one above.
  • 07.11.09 To make matters worse, last night my tooth started bothering me. Nerve. Root canal is in my future. I have been putting this off for a couple of years.
  • 07.11.09 Star decided to hire in a parent-sitter for us last night, so we could go to kids night out. We were leaving them alone for brief periods of time, but with Dad's increasing frequency of falling, we have decided that they cannot be left alone. So we have to look for ways to keep our time away intact. Sharon came over. She was wonderful. Dad reports that she is a good listener. Nice, to have options.
  • 07.11.09 Dad is still sleeping, talking in it, to boot! 12:07.
Time to make lunch for us.

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